Domino in X-men the Animated Series

Domino in X-men the Animated Series



Domino was the outcome of a top-secret government convenance program known every bit Project: Armageddon, which was fabricated specifically to create the perfect weapon and genetically engineer fighting soldiers. Out of the test subjects, Domino was the but survivor but her powers of 'good luck' was deemed a failure in the case of meeting the project's goals. She was freed from the project by her biological mother who left Domino with Father Rudolpho Boschelli, leader of the cult called the Church of the Sacred Heart which was based in Chicago. Domino lived within this cult until she turned thirteen and escaped. She decided to go a freelance mercenary and worked with diverse government agencies. While working for the NSA, Domino was tasked to guard the genius, Dr. Milo Thurman, whose analytical ability made him besides unsafe for the government to set free. While guarding him, Domino and Dr. Thurman somehow fell in dear with each other, even going so far every bit getting married, apparently officially. Dr. Thurman gave Domino the nickname 'Beatrice' due his obsession with Dante's Inferno. When A.I.One thousand soldiers raided the facility, Milo and Domino separated, with Milo believing that Domino was killed during the raid.


Domino was created by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld. The Domino persona start appeared in New Mutants issue 98. These early appearances still where later revealed to really be Copycat, a mutant whom had taken Domino'south place. It was in a flashback story in X-Forcefulness event 8 (1992) and later on (in present time) in X-Force upshot 11 that the truthful Domino was first seen. Though her character persona was first drawn by Liefeld, it wasn't until her unveiling in Ten-Force eleven that Mark Pacella actually drew the first Domino.

Major Story Arcs

Wild Pack/Six Pack

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As a mercenary, Domino joins the group the Wild Pack, later on called the Six Pack, where she meets the mutant Cablevision. Much of their contract piece of work involves a man of affairs named Tolliver. The squad is sent on numerous missions of corporate espionage and payback. Domino normally acts as the wise-cracking directly shooter and scout. While Tolliver's contracts ordinarily bargain with business organization overseas, the team still allows themselves to contract elsewhere - one of which is to New Mexico to re-steal an free energy fibrillator that HYDRA stole from A.I.K. The contract ends upwardly being a ruse, as the gadget they steal is defective. The team hates being used like this, peculiarly since they were well-nigh diddled up, merely the check more than compensates for whatever injure feelings. Within the group, Domino is closest to Grizzly and Cable.

Cable eventually leads the team to break a contract with Tolliver. On a routine mission in which the Six Pack is checking on an opium road, Domino finds a hidden hatch. The Six Pack does an initial search but, when things begin to look dicey, Domino is bully on getting the team out. Cable ignores her and continues on to see up with his nemesis, Stryfe. The squad narrowly avoids getting diddled up (again), but they now take a target on their back, as Tolliver is none too pleased that the Half-dozen Pack broke protocol.

This broken contract results in other mercenary groups trying to cash in on the deaths of the Six Pack. In Singapore, the team is fairly well pinned downwardly. Domino dives under a bridge and plants an explosive that effectively takes out each and every enemy.

Cable doesn't much care that the team is targeted and he leads them to one last confrontation with Stryfe. They enter his base and fix explosives to get off in a few minutes. Before they can escape, even so, Stryfe arrives and takes Kane captive. Domino and Co. desire to comply with Stryfe's demands but Cable refuses. Stryfe leaves the Six Pack to dice in the explosion. Cable teleports out and leaves Domino and the rest of the team to fend for themselves. Fortunately, she, Grizzly, and G.W. are able to go far out in 1 slice. The same can't be said for teammates Kane and Hammer. Domino and the residuum of the 6 Pack carries a grudge against Cable for many years later this.

Guest of Tolliver

XF #14
XF #fourteen

Domino lays low for a while but is kidnapped by Tolliver and is replaced by the mutant shape shifter, Copycat. Once Cable takes over leadership of Professor X's group of young mutants, the New Mutants, and transforms them into the rapid reaction strike force team known as 10-Force, he calls who he thinks is Domino to help him lead the team. Copycat, notwithstanding posing every bit Domino, answers the call and grows attached to the squad while the real Domino hangs, shackled, to Tolliver'due south wall. Once Cable learns of Tolliver's hideout, he and Copycat/Domino break in. Cable sees the real Domino and grows dislocated, as he never new Copycat had taken Domino'southward place. As Cable fights Deadpool, Domino is freed when a Deadpool sword severs her shackles. She then picks up a gun and blasts the mercenary in the back. Copycat escapes. Cablevision and Domino and so head later Tolliver, only he instructs her to find his 10-Forcefulness kids. He then blows up Tolliver's helicopter (supposedly killing him) and so bodyslides to the future.

Finding 10-Force

Domino spends the side by side months trying to locate Ten-Forcefulness. Her first order of business organisation is to notice some erstwhile teammates. She hooks up with Grizzly in Australia later on he slinks away from the X-Forcefulness/Weapon: PRIME fight. Finding Hammer, the three break into Department Thou to find any data possible on Cable and the whereabouts of 10-Force. With very express fourth dimension to sort through the diverse encryptions, Hammer has Domino dump all the data into his harddrive. Every bit the download begins, a new squad of Weapon: PRIME gets the jump on the troupe. Hammer tells them to go topside through an air conditioning duct.

Information technology ends up being a sewage line and Grizzly has a chiliad fourth dimension ribbing Domino about her new perfume. Using some of the information they gathered from Section K, they search for Copycat (since she had such intimate noesis of 10-Force). They find her at the mercy of Deadpool and Sluggo. Domino covertly blasts the crap out of the 2 mercenaries and Copycat begs for her life in exchange for information on X-Forcefulness's latest hideout.

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Copycat leads the "Three Pack" to the old X-Force hideout in the Adirondack Mountains. When Grizzly relates that he was nowadays at the battle that blew this base up Domino threatens to kill Copycat then and at that place. Copycat talks Domino into patience and they dig their mode into the old base via magnesium strips and Grizzly'southward brute strength. They observe some computers miraculously still online and Copycat gets a trace of Ten-Force's mutagenic signatures. Post-obit this, they are led to the new Ten-Force base of operations in Arizona at the old Camp Verde reservation of Warpath'due south ancestors. Instead of X-Forcefulness, however, they find Cable. The Six Pack is dorsum together (equally Kane and G.W. Span are with Cable), albeit very, very briefly. Hammer threatens to kill Cable and Kane talks him down and the group decides that, while they would similar to be together once again, they tin't if Cable is going to be secretive. He can't hope otherwise and the Six Pack departs, Domino leaving with the team.

Six Pack is contracted to steal something from NASA and Domino leads the ground squad in. Unfortunately, Nomad is contracted to steal the aforementioned matter and does so before Vi Pack tin can. Domino manages to find the object but it gets smashed by Nomad before she and the Vi Pack can take it to their contractor. Before long thereafter Cable asks Domino to officially join his team. She does.

Joining 10-Force

Things are a niggling icy for Domino at the outset of her tenure with X-Force. Most of the team remembers her from when Copycat was impersonating her. Nobody really knows who she is. Cable assures her that everything will be fine.

One dark, Cable asks Domino to accompany him to the grave of Madelyne Pryor. Mr. Sinister shows upward and reveals that Madelyne was Cable's mother while Stryfe was Cablevision's clone. Domino doesn't like Sinister'southward vibe and tries to shoot him. Mr. Sinister merely knocks Domino out while pulling Stryfe's psyche out of a dormant role of Cablevision'south heed. She awakens to notice Cable gone. She makes her style to Professor Xavier's school and alerts he, Cyclops, and Jean Grey about Sinister's revelations, as well as the fact that Stryfe may at present be inhabiting Cable'due south trunk. The four of them observe Cable/Stryfe and convince Stryfe to let Cablevision get. He does and Cablevision and Domino reunite with X-Force.

The Younghunt

Many of the Ten-Strength members have vacations. Problem arises during the Child's Play arc, still, when Cannonball and Boomer go missing on the Guthrie family farm. Cablevision and Domino interview Paige, Missive's sister, and learn that their teammates were abducted by Siena Bonfire. Domino leaves Cablevision with his thoughts and finds another bounty hunter, Trevor Fitzroy. The team easily defeats him and they head to confront the mastermind behind this game of hunting young mutants, the Gamesmaster. They arrive in Switzerland and Domino witnesses Cable use telepathy for the outset time in his life. This revelation is moot as the team is easily defeated. Domino and the rest are spared, notwithstanding, when the Gamesmaster simply finds some other game to play.

United mexican states

Domino begins to build unity with the squad by accompanying Cable and Rictor to Mexico and then that Rictor can see if there is anything he can do for his family, which is embroiled in gun running accusations. Little tin be washed and the trio marks the trip up as a loss.

Against Nimrod

Having received intel that the government is close to realizing an artificial intelligence capable of wiping all mutants from the Earth, Domino takes Shatterstar to Hannigan Electronics (an arm of Stiff Industries). The two infiltrate the lab and find two things: 1) the body of Martin Stiff, and 2) the INTELLECT bit, which possesses information regarding the new AI.

Domino and 10-Forcefulness infiltrate Camp Hayden in Kentucky to destroy any Nimrod-like prototypes that may be in the process of manufacture. Things go horribly, as the projection is farther along than anticipated. Ten-Force is hands overcome and Domino and Cable are the but ones standing as Nimrod reveals itself. Domino is able to avoid serious damage until Nimrod learns that direct attacks at Domino are fruitless. Domino is eventually taken out when she dodges a projectile but an unseen pipe releasing hot steam. She is saved past Shatterstar and Domino leads a rag-tag effort to get a leg off Nimrod. She is relieved when Nimrod shuts itself off (due to some logic introduced past Cable) and suggests that the team get out before security arrives.

Finding the Morlocks

Anniversary of the Calorie-free

With so much history, Cable and Domino finally decide to go on a date. Domino is less-than flattered when Cable confuses some of Domino'due south tastes for Copycat's (who had impersonated Domino as a member of X-Force for quite a while). The date is derailed, however, when Thornn shows upwardly and begs Cable for help bringing the Morlocks back from some other dimension. Domino tags along and the trio spends the night arranging mirrors to reflect the sunday. The site it cute. Despite the try failing, Domino admits that she concluded upwards having a skilful time.

The Dark Ride

After a brief rest, Domino is tasked with finding X-Force a new home. She finds one in the near unlikely of places: Murderworld. Before 10-Force moves, nevertheless, Domino accompanies Cable to Xavier's Mansion and then as to inform Storm about the potential return of the Morlocks. The 3 search the Morlock Tunnels and find Caliban. They besides find the Dark Riders (the minions of Apocalypse) are reforming. Domino follows Cablevision to Egypt to search for the Nighttime Riders. Upon finding them, Domino witnesses Cable'southward son revealing himself to be the eventual heir of Apocalypse. When Cable surrenders himself to his son, Domino leads Tempest and Caliban on a mission to infiltrate the Nighttime Rider base, quietly taking out enemies until they can gratuitous Cable and destroy the base.

Relocating X-Forcefulness

Once back from Arab republic of egypt, Domino officially introduces X-Force to their new dwelling in Murderworld. It takes some convincing (New York nightlife is shut, technology is sound, training is readily available), but presently everyone is on-board with the location. Before also much can happen, even so, Domino accompanies Ten-Force to the Bronx where there is a possibility of arresting a erstwhile teammate, Feral, for the murder of her family. Outside the erstwhile family apartment of Feral and Thornn, Domino sets up as a sniper in case things with Feral go poorly. Domino informs Cable a couple times that she has a shot only is told to stand up down. Fortunately, Feral is overpowered and casualties are kept to a minimum.

Legion Quest

When Professor Xavier calls Cable to the Nagev Desert in State of israel, Domino accompanies him. They acquire that reality hangs in the residuum due to Legion traveling to the past to alter a cardinal point in history. Domino tries to go on things lite but eventually succumbs to her feelings for Cablevision an the two share a kiss before reality shatters.

Upon regrouping with X-Strength, Domino accompanies Cable and Shatterstar to meet Rictor off to Mexico for some time away from the team. She then helps Cable and Shatterstar dispel a mob protesting Genoshan arrivals.

Tragedy with Grizzly

One of the biggest tragedies in Domino'southward life comes when she hears of a serial killer in Colorado. Seeing the evidence, she is convinced that her erstwhile friend and teammate Grizzly is involved. She takes leave of X-Force and tracks the killer downwards and discovers that he is beingness manipulated by Genesis, Cable'south son. To free himself, Grizzly forces Domino to shoot him. She so buries i of her merely friends.

Adventures with Other Timelines

Dorsum to the Future

Having only just buried Grizzly, Domino is sent to the future to help Cable with a mission. She helps the Clan Chosen save the of the young Cable, Nathan Dayspring, by retrieving the Professor from Stryfe. All the while, she notes how conflicted Cable feels afterward prolonged exposure to the married woman he buried in the futurity, Jenskot. After the Professor is bonded with Nathan, Domino is sent back to the past with Cable.

Genosha and the Sugarman

While traveling dorsum to the present with Cable, Mr. Sinister alters their course and the 2 end upwardly in Genosha. They are met by Phillip Moreau and Jennifer Ransome, two leaders in the rebellion to overthrow the Genoshan hierarchy. Domino wants nothing more than to leave or, at the very to the lowest degree, contact X-Forcefulness to let them know what'south going on. She is rebuffed on both accounts. Domino joins Cable in the fight against the Genoshan Magistrates and and so accompanies him to the Ridgeback Mountains where they run into the Sugarman, the person/thing responsible for the mutate bonding process. Crisis is averted and Mr. Sinister shows up to thank them for their assistance and sends them on abode.

Krakoa and the Aftermath

Domino accompanies X-Force to an island retreat and accept a brief run into with the Impossible Man and his kids.

Upon returning home, X-Force goes out for a night on the town but get missing. Domino joins Cable in the search for the team. It turns out the team has been co-opted by Sebastian Shaw, Lady Tessa, and Holocaust. The two put up a valiant fight, but Domino is stabbed in the shoulder when trying to take Shatterstar on alone. Cable soon wraps things upward and arranges for Domino to get the care she needs.


Once ameliorate, Domino accompanies Meltdown and Siryn to Military camp Hayden to cheque on intel regarding the Nimrod project. They are surprised to find that the place at present appears completely deserted. The only indicator of trouble is the discussion "Onslaught" spray painted on the walls. An augmented Blob shows upwardly and threatens the ladies, only Meltdown gets a time bomb down his pharynx and Blob offers to provide them information regarding the new goings on with Camp Hayden. The Mimic shows up, however, and flies off with the Blob - noting that Onslaught will not be pleased.

After, Domino accompanies Cable to Camp Hayden to show him the Onslaught stuff, just the two are met with extreme resistance and barely go far out alive.

One time Onslaught makes himself known, Domino leads X-Force in protecting Nate Grey. Nate isn't besides keen on accepting Domino'due south help, as her counterpart in Nate's home (the Age of Apocalypse) is a common cold-blooded murderer. Mr. Sinister attacks and Domino decides to blow up role of the mansion, simply to no avail. Mr. Sinister is likewise powerful and subdues the whole team. Domino wakes with the team to find the Onslaught threat neutralized and welcomes Cable back.

Leading X-Force

While Cablevision takes several leaves of absenteeism, Domino continues to lead X-Strength. On one mission, she searches out Shinobi Shaw who is trying to remove the Ten-cistron from mutants to give him the upperhand. The assault by X-Forcefulness is ineffective, as Mindmeld transfers Domino'due south consciousness into Caliban. She notes, nevertheless, that some other Shinobi mercenary, Clear-cut, hides a cardinal on Domino's lifeless body. When Mindmeld is distracted, Domino's mind reenters her body and she frees herself and the others of their bonds. Domino and so leads an assault on Shinobi'due south laboratory that ultimately shuts down the entire operation.

Functioning: Zero Tolerance

Afterward, Domino got herself into a bit of a trouble during Operation: Zero Tolerance, where she was taken in, and had her powers tinkered with. A adult female she had dealt with in the past had come to seek revenge against her, and in doing so, set Domino onto a long path that dampened her humor and personality. Her caput was shaved and her powers were blocked. She had no access to them until they were surged up past Jesse Clamor and his abilities. Post-obit her loss of ability, she left Cablevision and X-force, merely eventually rejoined the squad.


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When X-Force disbanded for good, Domino joined the X-Corporation, a search and rescue organization for mutants. She was located in the Japanese co-operative of the arrangement and soon joined the New X-Men on a mission when they where in Nihon. During this mission, Domino and the New 10-Men encountered the mutant known every bit Xorn. Domino left the X-Corporation when she was approached by the government bureau, SHIELD whom asked her to join a newly formed Six Pack. While with the new Vi Pack, she was ordered to investigate Cable's mission on his utopian island and Deadpool's role in it. While they where ordered to capture the two, the mission failed and was left.

One thousand-Day

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After the events of M-Day, in which the majority of mutants lost their powers, Domino and former X-Force teammate Shatterstar liberated the 198, mutants in a refugee camp, imprisoned for their own safety against the residue of the world. She and then left the Half-dozen Pack when almost of its members were captured and deported to Rumekistan and rejoined Cable in Providence until a battle against the Hecatomb sank the island and Cable was presumed expressionless. She was later recruited aslope Silver Sable and the Contessa to capture the Punisher. However, Domino was the only to believe his innocence until everyone saw the impostor killing civilians.

Rejoining X-Force and X-Men

The New X-Force
The New X-Forcefulness

Domino joined the new X-Forcefulness, at present a mutant Black Ops team pb by Wolverine, which is able to use any means necessary, including lethal force, to preemptively deal with the threats that would exist too dangerous or unsavory for the X-Men to handle. After tracking downwardly and blackmailing the Vanisher who has stolen a strain of the Legacy Virus, the group is now preparing to deal with the Messiah War.

Wolverine and then asks Domino to finish in a cemetery in Japan to evangelize flowers to a deceased loved one. While there she finds Spiral , Chimera and Lady Deathstrike who have dug upwards Kwannon's body. Later a brief fight she wounds Bubble and the women teleport off with Kwannon'due south body. Later Domino replaces Jean Grey's body before the Blood-red Queen could have it every bit her host. Whilst Domino is on a mission she accidentally becomes the start person to observe the Ruby-red Blob's identity and is and then marked for decease past him. Thunderbolt Ross and Samson provide Rulk with a list of mercenaries to help him chase her down and only gives him 24 hours to do it. Among those on the list are Deadpool, the Punisher, Thundra and Elektra. They and so find Domino hiding in a bar. When the grouping arrives to take Domino out they find the bar inhabited past all the members of X-Force.

Domino and the X-Force manage to escape the encounter. Later on, Domino and Wolverine meet the Reddish Blob and Elektra at Silvery Sable's estate where she forces Silverish Sable to tell her that Domino was set to be where the Crimson Hulk Doc Samson), giving her false data on an A.I.1000. front. The Carmine Hulk says information technology doesn't matter and blackmails Domino into not telling his identity to anyone, despite Domino challenge she wasn't sure of what she saw, since the authorities is looking for an excuse to exterminate all mutants and if word got out of Ten-Force, a mutant hit squad, that would exist all it took. They reach an understanding and Domino is let go.

Second Coming

In the events of 2nd Coming, Domino travels with the X-Forcefulness and Cable to the future in club to rewrite the Nimrod'southward programming and stopping them from traveling to the past to impale all the remaining mutants that were all full-bodied in Utopia due to the Breastwork's campaign confronting Hope and the X-Men. She ends up facing a Watch with X-Force but Null manages to rewrite the programming and end information technology. She and then returns to the present.

Sexual practice and Violence

X-Force: Sex and Violence
Ten-Force: Sex activity and Violence

Domino shows up all browbeaten upwards at the X-Strength's headquarters and asking that Elixir heals her. Wolverine however doesn't let him until she tells him what is going on. Domino explains that she took a job from the Assassinator'southward Guild that involved going up against The Manus. However during the job Domino found out that The Hand was trafficking young women so she rescued them and left the team of assassin's that accompanied her to die. This drew the hatred of the guild who went after her.

Wolverine decides to help Domino trying to set things right. While driving with Wolverine, Domino states that he has been attracted to her since the X-Force'due south concluding mission in Japan. Before Wolverine can reply, he is shot in the head and they crash. They then engage some assassinator's and after dispatching them, they share a kiss. They are interrupted by an aroused Razorfist leading more assassin'southward and asking Domino: "Where is the coin?". Wolverine is confused past this and Domino says that she'll explicate everything in one case they take intendance of the ambush.

One time they accept care of Razorfist, Domino explains that she took the women to a Japanese Consulate in a van she hijacked at The Hand'due south base and when she got there she found out the van had nigh 237 one thousand thousand dollars in it. She gave 1 million to each woman and kept the rest. She leads Wolverine to the van in a warehouse where he is in awe, after seeing all the money. They then go to a hotel room and have sex. Bushwacker comes for Domino but they manage to handle him. They so fly to New Orleans in order to motion the coin.

Security Recon

Found out
Found out

Upon Wolverine and Cyclops' petty Schism, the Ten-Men split in half. Seeing as how she isn't exactly school cloth, Domino stayed with Cyclops. Although, it wasn't as easy as it looked.

In Puternicstan, Domino is seen spying on the men who were dealing with the Sentinels, for a moment, mysteriously a head get's blown off a and burn-fight breaks out, she go's caught and is required to exit the expanse, immediately, they effort to fight her off but with Luck, she wins the fight.

Storm and Cyclops are discussing the autumn out of the arms conference which happened during Schism, Storm presumes that Cyclops want's her to round upwardly a team to end all the Black Market dealings and Sentinel sellings once and for all, Cyclops then lets Storm aware of a situaiton, Domino is at the centre of it all.

Storm, Psylocke, Jubilee, Domino and Colossus for a team dubbed txhe Security Recon Squad. Cyclops international squad and chief act of defence for Utopia, of which, Domino is now a part of.

At the mercy of the Sentinel
At the mercy of the Sentinel

While Domino still fights off the men of that state, Storm and Psylocke finally manage to make contact with her, the situation though, is still dire. Every bit she converses with them about her current state of affairs, Domino go's apprehended by i of the newly revamped Sentinels. At that moment, all communications and contact betwixt Domino and the residual of the squad is lost. Storm starts to get worried and initiates a battle plan, Psylocke, Warpath and Jubilee are tasked with finding Domino equally fast equally possible, they then go apprehended past a ticked-off Warmachine who had previously spoken to Storm about her not interfering with the global matters, during that, Colossus and Warmachine start fighting, Storm strikes Warmachine with a harsh commodities of lightning to put him down, he then continues to become on well-nigh how she needs to go out, she makes it clear that her and the rest of her team will non be going anywhere for every bit long as Domino is still left for expressionless.

It is then apparent that Domino's run in with the Spotter left her fatally wounded and near dead. She is found by some of the scientists working for the Puternicstan regime and they take her in on a death bed. They believe her to exist a lost cause, as they've infered that no one would be able to survive an assault similar that anyways, and then she should be dead. Equally they keep to antipodal, Domino offset's to come up through, information technology is unknown whether or non her Luck powers had anything to practice with this miraculous recovery. While she comes through, ane of the scientist's leaves the room for some doughnut'due south, unbeknownst to his colleague, Domino catches him by suprise and so proceeds and sabotages him unto a seat, his collagues comes into the room and tries to make an exit, cunningly, Domino throws a scalpel at his hand, fly-kicks him and starts drinking the mans coffee. During all that, Governor Strelonivich and co. are manning and deterring some of the newly revamped Sentinels, of which set on Warmachine, Storm and Colossus.

In combat
In combat

The rest of the team come across a warehouse full of fallow Sentinels and then are attacked by armed men. Amongst all that, Domino takes i of the scientists hostage and forces him to assist her locate the rest of her teammates and go to the bottom of all the problem, while Psylocke, Warpath and Jubilee finish fighting, Domino makes her archway and finally rendezvous with them along with her hostage. Of a sudden, the dormant Sentinels in the warehouse are activated, much to everyone's suprise, Jubilee get'southward a little excited and decided to fight her own way through, leaving the rest of her teammates. Psylocke makes Storm aware of the current state of affairs heading her style, to halt the dire threat, Storm summons an as primal forcefulness. Before everyone'southward optics, an immensely powerful hurricane is formed in the path of the Sentinels, giving everyone else enough fourth dimension to act.

As the scientist that Domino brought in refuses to say anything, Psylocke then telepathically interrogates him for quicker answers, equally they effort to exit the area, they come under set on by more armed men and are required to fight them off every bit quick as possible. As the siege continues, Madison Jeffries steps in to assistance Psylocke and the rest of them shut down the Sentinels, information technology works. Strelonivich is put in prison house and the Sentinels are dispatched and destroyed, but, at the terminate of boxing something odd happened, Jubilee went missing.

Cable and the 10-Force

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Domino is a member of Cablevision's new Ten-Forcefulness along with Dr. Nemesis, Forge, and Colossus as they protect the globe, but remain on the run from the Avengers and prevent a techno organic virus from spreading. After a misunderstanding and shooting at the Avengers, the team remains on the run with Domino hiding away with Colossus. After a night of spirits and fun, Colossus turns himself in to the authorities. Domino teams with Nail Boom in order to invade the Raft prison to free an intergalactic criminal based off of prophetic visions from Cablevision. Domino ends up freeing Colossus merely Colossus turns a blind center and lets Domino perform her mission. Domino and Smash Smash end up getting kidnapped by the alien criminal and are flown into space. Abducted past Abigail Brand, Colossus and Cable use her assistance to rescue the captive teammates and they leave Make in space while they steal her ship. Cablevision's X-Forcefulness is seen resting on an Indian reservation that Forge lived on for a few years. Domino plays some horseshoes with Dr. Nemesis, just checks on Cable. Neena brings up that Cable needs to finish shouldering all of the responsibleness and trust the others to handle their parts. Domino gives the assignments Cablevision had, simply the Avengers attack them. The Ten-Strength tin can't hold out long due to the overwhelming power of the Avengers, but Cable manages to telepathically down the Avengers members, allowing the X-Force team to split up in their respective groups and caput off onto their assignments.

Domino and Blast Blast must kidnap an awakening mutant from a infirmary, otherwise when his powers manifest the whole hospital and everyone in it volition be destroyed. Domino poses equally a nurse and successfully gets the sedated patient out of the hospital, only to meet Boom Nail outside in an ambulance with the cops in hot pursuit. The escape the police just end up on a bridge. Boom Boom manages to articulate the people off the bridge and the kid's powers manifest and liquefy political party of and they fall to the water. Domino planned ahead as she calls a boat and the squad and passenger bulldoze off.

Domino helps Colossus bargain with a relic that could cause an apocalypse and bring Hell on earth. During the encounter, Domino and Colossus talk over their current relationship and Domino thinks information technology won't work while Colossus does. After they stop the demons, they have another conversation and while Domino is talking, Colossus brings her in with a osculation and says they will make information technology piece of work. Domino hesitantly seems to hold they tin. Domino, Colossus, and Blast Boom defeat a behemothic monster trigger-happy upward a town. Subsequently the creatures defeat, the group rejoins with Forge and Dr. Nemesis to break into Avengers Mansion and salvage Cable.

Domino is seen fighting the Avengers before the mansion explodes due to Cable's powers overloading, but Hope manages to save him. She is on a new mission with Colossus to cease a group from breaking into a Trask family vault. Domino heads in to found a transmitter on a massive sentinel for Forge to disarm, but he doesn't respond.


During the Weapons of Mutant Devastation storyline, the Weapon X Projection is interested in Lady Deathstrike, Warpath, Domino, Wolverine, and Sabretooth for a new experiment. Domino joins Erstwhile Man Logan's new team. After Old Human Logan and Warpath left the team, Sabretooth renamed the team to Weapon X-Force, Domino staid on the team until the team disbanded subsequently Sabretooth's inversion was reverted.

Krakoa's X-Force

When X-Force was reformed in Krakoa, Domino rejoined the team. Domino is sent in a mission but shortly goes missing, having been kidnapped and experiment on by an anti-mutant group that used chunks of her flesh to infiltrate Krakoa. She is plant and rescued past Wolverine and Kid Omega. Forge gives her a Krakoan organic weapon that shapeshifts to her desires, such as an Rm cannon, blades, or armor. They receive an alarm that a security alarm that a company that is researching Krakoan tech is being attacked. Domino is the only 1 to non make it through the portal as it gets shut off mid-jump, killing Kid Omega and slicing Wolverine in 2. They get some other portal open as Domino gets aid from Forge to go and become revenge on the mercenaries attacking the building and initially kidnapped Domino. Domino is sent on a mission to stop an aggressor that has been going around and killing mutant sympathizers. While chasing down and battling the assassin, it is revealed the clone is a modified clone of Domino. She manages to intercept the clone and kill her. While back at Krakoa, Neena goes for a swim and meets upward with Colossus. The ii discuss the tragedies that have be felled them and Colossus suggests they drown and become resurrected without having to remember the pain. Neena declines, saying she wants to recollect. Before the conversation carries on much further, Domino gets a bulletin from Sage. She sends Domino and Colossus to Russia where they intercept a train conveying parts of bodies and ingredients to create more than weapons. In another automobile a horde of Domino clones is waiting. The 2 Krakoan fight them off until Colossus decides to forcibly terminate the railroad train, killing all of them, including Neena. Domino is resurrected and returned to normal.


Domino's mutant powers essentially give her good luck. She can subconsciously and psionically affect the probabilities and brand things piece of work in her favor and against others. Mostly, she has used her powers subconsciously, just she has shown the ability to forcefulness her powers into working. She is an skillful in using firearms and explosives, a highly skilled mutant in the field of martial arts and hand-to-mitt combat


  • Known Relatives: Beatrice, Armajesuit Leader, female parent, Lazarus, genetically engineered, brother , Dr. Milo Thurman, husband (deceased)
  • Citizenship: American
  • Place of Birth: Project Armageddon Base, Everglades, Florida
  • Marital Status: Widowed
  • Occupation: Adventurer, former mercenary and bodyguard
  • Education: Unrevealed
  • Fears: Chickens


  • Gender: Female
  • Summit: 5'nine"
  • Weight: 130 lbs.
  • Optics: Blue
  • Hair: Black
  • Unusual Features: As a effect of her mutation, Domino has chalk white peel. She as well has a tattoo effectually her left eye from her days in a Mutant Breeding Program.

Alternate Realities

Earth-295 (Age of Apocalypse)

Earth-295 Age of Apocalypse
World-295 Age of Apocalypse

In the Age of Apocalypse , Domino is working for Apocalypse as his most trusted and skillful assassinator, was accompanied by Caliban, the tracker, and Grizzly, the berserker force (Bounty Hunters). They were assigned to hire or kill the highly powered telepath Ten-Man. Tracking down X-Homo she killed an AoA version of Omega Ruby-red.

She killed Mastermind with a gun smash discovering his illusionary powers. And so, she confronted Nate but he left her in a catatonic state using her ain suffering memories confronting her brain, every bit revealed Shadow Male monarch to Apocalypse. Her failure filled with rage to Apocalypse.

In this reality Domino has the same powers as in the main continuity.

Globe-1610 (Ultimate Universe)


In the Ultimate Universe, she is shown to be a office of the Ultimate Cable squad from a unlike a apocalyptic future where Apocalypse ruled. She is summoned to the past by Cable to help him fight the 10-Men.

Earth-9997 (Earth X)

In Earth X, Domino is nonetheless in the 10-Force, who are being controlled by the Skrull


In this reality, Domino took the identity of Stryfe. She traveled to Earth-616 to rebuild the Mutant Liberation Front and help Cable to defeat Skornn.

Earth-1030 (N.Y.10.F)

Domino is office of a special team called N.Y.Ten.F led by Cable to police the growing mutant population.

Earth-1036 (Deadpool: I'm Bachelor)

Domino is killed by Deadpool and he takes her eyepiece equally a memento.

World-1815 (Operation: Zero Tolerance Successful)

In this reality,where Performance:Zero Tolerance is activated and all superheroes are killed or de-powered, Domino is imprisoned along with many others where she is forcibly sterilised to stop the breeding of super-powered beings. This acquired her hatered towards humans and she joined Professor Xavier'due south team to eliminate them.

Other Media


X-Men: The Animated Serial

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Domino appeared in the episode "Slave Isle" as i of the mutants that were handicapped past a device that prevented them from using their powers. With the efforts of the X-Men, they were able to destroy the device and use their powers against its ruler. She also appeared in cameos in other episodes as well. She was voiced by Jennifer Dale.

Wolverine and the 10-Men

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Domino was a fellow member of the Brotherhood of Mutants who saved Toad from the MRD. She also apologizes to Rogue because of her inconvenience with Toad. She afterward persuaded Rogue to join the Brotherhood. During the Brotherhood's endeavour to assassinate Senator Kelly, she asked Rogue to absorb Warren Worthington Jr.'s memories and know Kelly's whereabouts. When the Brotherhood was all set, she fired a bullet but information technology was stopped past the X-Men. In an alternate future, Domino is one of the mutant prisoners of the Sentinels. She was later recruited to join Professor X'southward Ten-Men in that timeline. Together, they took down a group of Sentinels.

She was voiced by Gwendoline Yeo.


Deadpool 2

Zazie Beetz as Domino
Zazie Beetz every bit Domino

Domino makes her live-activity debut in the second Deadpool flick, portrayed by Zazie Beetz. She start appears every bit one of the new recruits for X-Force, the team Deadpool is putting together to protect Russell Collins from Cable. Following a botched aeriform leap, Domino and Deadpool are left as the merely survivors of the group. She continues to help Wade throughout the pic, and ultimately helps liberate the mutant orphanage where she was tortured every bit a child.

Video Games

Deadpool (360, PS3)

Domino with Psylocke
Domino with Psylocke

Domino appears as a supporting character in the game, with Gwendoline Yeo reprising her role from the Wolverine and the X-Men animated series. She is a member of the X-Men in the game, and showtime appears alongside Psylocke when the two wake Deadpool upwards after he's been knocked out by Blockbuster, one of Mister Sinister's goons. She and the other 10-Men back-trail Deadpool to Genosha to stop Sinister, but ends up knocked out after Deadpool crashes the Blackbird. She is terminal seen in the game's catastrophe afterwards Deadpool defeats Sinister.

Marvel Avengers Brotherhood

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Domino is a reward character, and became playable, in the PVP Tournament: Season 12. She becomes permanently recruitable at the end of PVP Tournament flavor 13.

Her bio says: Neena Thurman was genetically modified in a top-secret regime breeding program, one of only two individuals to survive the procedure. After she was freed past a religious cult called the Armajesuits, Neena became the mercenary known as Domino. Her skill with firearms and her mutant powers of probability manipulation brand for a potent combination.

Curiosity: War of Heroes

War of Heroes
State of war of Heroes

Domino is one of the many characters featured in the card mobile game Marvel: War of Heroes. Her cards are:

  • [Armageddon'southward Child] Domino
  • [Hot Fun in the Summertime] Domino
  • [Odds Favor Me] Domino
  • [X-Force] Domino
  • [Cool Nether Fire] Domino

X-Men: Battle of The Atom

X-Men: Battle of The Atom
X-Men: Battle of The Atom

Domino appears as a back up card in the mobile game 10-men: Boxing of the Atom. Her cards are:

  • Domino
  • [Blackness Ops X-Forcefulness] Domino
  • [Stake Riders] Domino
  • [Ghost Dance] Domino
  • [Necrosha Team] Domino
  • [X-Forcefulness] Domino
  • [Ghost Trip the light fantastic toe] X-Force
  • [Blackness Ops] 10-Force

Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes
Marvel Heroes

Domino appears as a Team-Upward character in the game. She is voiced by Vanessa Marshall.

Marvel Contest of Champions

Domino Contest of Champions
Domino Competition of Champions

Domino is a playable grapheme in the game. She is a mutant type of grapheme.

Marvel Future Fight

Domino in Marvel Future Fight
Domino in Marvel Future Fight

Domino is a playable character in the game.


Domino in Fortnite
Domino in Fortnite

In 2022, a downloadable Domino skin was added to Fortnite as part of the X-Force DLC issue.


Marvel Legends and Bishoujo
Marvel Legends and Bishoujo
  • Domino was featured in ToyBiz'southward Ten-Men: 10-Force line dorsum in the 90s.
  • Diamond Select released a Domino figure in the Minimates line.
  • Eaglemoss produced a figurine of Domino for The Archetype Marvel Figurine Collection.
  • Domino was featured in the HeroClix figure game.
  • Hasbro produced a Domino figure as part of a Marvel Legends two-pack with the 90s version of Cannonball.
  • Hasbro subsequently produced a 2d Domino figure as role of the Curiosity Legends Sasquatch Build-a-Figure moving ridge.
  • Domino was featured in the Bishoujo line from Kotobukiya.
  • The movie version of Domino was featured in Hasbro's Marvel Legends line.

Domino in X-men the Animated Series



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